20 June, 2010

Systematic Investment Plan (SIP)

One way or the other way you want to earn money with some initial capital. There are many ways to invest the money with different levels of risk. One such thing is stock market, when you hear of this you may be afraid thinking it is kind if gambling and it is very risky in investing in stock market. If you are not an expert in stock market analysis and still want to take the profit out of it, there are some one who will be constantly monitoring for you and investing wisely by doing the proper market analysis.

Those people are called fund managers who will be managing the Mutual Funds. Mutual fund is one type of investment in stock market with lesser risk compared to the equity market. In mutual funds the investment is done across different sectors to avoid the fluctuations in the market. Nowadays there a new concept called Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in mutual funds. It is something like recurring deposit in banks where in you deposit fixed amount of money every month.SIP something like this where you invest regularly into the mutual funds and aggregate the profits in volatile market conditions. SIP is helpful if you are not able to invest huge amount at once and want to invest small amount regularly. In Daily SIP you can invest as minimum as Rs: 10/- per day. You can register for SIP through online using your Demat Account.

Here are the few MF companies providing Daily SIP.

  • Fidelity MF
  • L & T MF
  • Bharati AXA
  • Sahara AXA