What are Differences between J2ME and Android?
Nowadays mobile phones are not just for making calls. It has become a handy computer with which you can be always connected to the world (i.e Internet). As the usage of mobile phones increased drastically so the applications for the mobiles are also increasing with the same pace. Earlier writing mobile applications was difficult and was dependent on phone hardware. With the introduction of J2ME the platform independence has come into picture. Which means that a mobile application can run on all the phones in spite of the vendors (like Nokia, Motorola..). The major lacking in the J2ME is that not able to access the low level (Operating System) feature of the mobile phone. The J2ME has got limited access to the mobiles and hence the applications will also be limited.
Android is an OS built with Linux kernel and Java platform. We will see the primary differences between J2ME and Android.
Platform like J2SE to development J2ME apps Operating System with customized Java API to develop mobile apps Kilobyte Virtual Machine (KVM) Dalvik Virtual Machine (DVM) Limited access to the native OS Full access to the native OS Limited GUI components Many more and complex GUI components Not easy to integrate with 3rd party applications Has easy integration to Google's cloud services (GTalk, Maps, Gmail…)
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