15 July, 2010

How to write Extension for Google Chrome web browser?

Recently Google Chrome web browser is getting popular with many features like simple,fast and secured browsing compared to other browsers. Chrome gives us the option to customize their browser by writing extensions,theams. They have a simple way to write your own extension with the following steps.

07 July, 2010

J2ME program to capture a picture through mobile phone

Here is a simple J2ME program to take a snapshot using the camera of the mobile phone.This program display the camera and allow the user to capture the image and store the picture in the specific location. Import the respective packages after copying the following code.

06 July, 2010

J2ME program to search for Bluetooth Devices through Mobile Phone

Here we will discuss about a sample program to search for Bluetooth enabled devices around your mobile phone. J2ME community has defined a standard for Bluetooth communication in JSR 82, which describes the standard APIs used to communicate with Bluetooth enabled devices. The JSR 82 contains the following packages to exchange data between two devices.

  • javax.bluetooth – Core Bluetooth API
  • javax.obex -- APIs for Object Exchange (OBEX) protocol
Most of the below code is self explanatory. The actual scanning is started when the discoveryAgent.startInquery() method is called. So, Whenever a new device is found then deviceDiscovered() method will be invoked and once the discovery process is complete then inquiryCompleted() method is called.

05 July, 2010

Program to make a phone call in Android Phone

Android by default includes and application called PhoneApp, which actially includes the functions of mobile phone. Intent is an Android API wich actually communicates between different Anrdoid applications to perform certain operations such as initializing a phone call. To enable your application to initialize a phone call the following simple code will serve.

Database used in Android OS

Android apps use SQLite relational database to store information like contacts, events, tasks and application specific data. SQLite database engine is a self-contained transactional database engine that requires no seperate database server process. SQLite is an opensource database actively developed by a large set of community and sponsers like Oracle, Symbian, Mozilla, Adobe, Bloomberg.